6001 167th Ave NW

Ramsey, MN 55303



Why do I have to pay a $15.00 entry fee?

  • It helps cover the cost of the reception and prizes. Once it's averaged out, it still ends up being cheaper than shooting regularly. 

Why do I have to make up weeks?

  • We allow late entries; and shoot-aheads as convenience to our competitors. Only those that have completed all 10 weeks will be eligible for the reception prizes.

Can I pay $20.00 and shoot XYZ number of weeks?

  • No. We allow shooting ahead and making up rounds as a convenience to our competitors, for this we require shooters to pay the full rounds’ cost.

How will I be able to see the current scores?

  • We will update and post each weeks scores online as well as in-store at the end of each week.

Is there anything for First, Second, Third, Ect?

  • No. This is a fun, shoot against yourself style league. Try and increase your score each week.

What is the course of fire?

  • The course of fire will be posted at the start of the league. We will change the course of fire midway through the season. Each weeks course of fire will consist of 50 rounds of ammo.

What restrictions are there for handguns?

  • There are no restrictions in this league. You may switch firearms at any time.


Any-Day Pistol League

Winter season starts 12/19/2023!!!

Total Defense Gun Shop & Range © 2023

Our Any-Day Pistol league is designed to be a stress-free, shoot at your leisure league. There is no First, Second, Third place. Be a part of a great activity. Our league is fun for all ages. Registration is only $15.00 for the League and each week is $15.00 and includes eye and ear rental and all needed league targets. Each Any Day League Season runs for 10 weeks. After the 10 weeks are completed, we host an End of Season Reception with food, drinks, and prizes*. Any competitor that registers may attend the reception however, to be eligible for prizes you must complete all 10 weeks. 

*Prizes are based on the number of shooters that complete each season.